Langtry Reach Rio Grande River Trip
This is a 6 day, 5 night, 54 mile trip with a very long day 1 driving to the put-in and camping overnight, starting the following morning on day 2.
Seeing any other boaters on this fantastic, rarely floated trip is highly unlikely; cattle, ranchers, wildlife and the occasional migrants crossing the river are all you’ll likely see. In the West Texas dry season, Jan. to June, most sections of the upper Rio Grande in the Big Bend dry up or flow at a non-navigable level, under 50 cfs and best floated on short day trips. The Langtry Reach, however, flows at over 300 cfs or greater year round, thanks to a huge volume of spring water percolating in thru the limestone riverbed. The source of this water is from an underground cave system that contains the Sirion river, ( a unique subterranean waterway hundreds of feet below the surface.
Due to the remoteness of this stretch of river it is imperative that each participant have many hours of experience paddling rivers with rapids and headwinds. Once this trip begins we are completely on our own, any problems with equipment, gear, or bodily injuries will have to be remedied by ourselves. I once started this trip just after eating bad fish tacos at a restaurant and came down with severe food poisoning after we launched. Not the most fun trip I’ve done but I mention this to illustrate that if you can’t buck up, buckle up and ride it out without outside help then this is not the trip for you. By the time we finished the trip I was fine, and found out the 4 friends I had dinner with the day before launching all had the same symptoms. Prior to discovering that I spent several days wondering what was ailing me and the rest of the boaters worried I was contagious.
We carry satellite communication devices on this trip but the chances of any airlift or vehicle evacuation occurring are extremely rare. In the event of any injury requiring medical attention we will need to self-evacuate, which in most cases means finishing the trip.
With all these warnings and caveats in mind, this trip is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, you will see and witness scenery and events that most people never have. Come float this with us and see what the Rio and surrounding canyons look like with almost no human presence. See the rates page for current pricing.
Wild Rivers with Tillie
The Río Grande – Jewel in the Desert
Season 1 Episode 02/01/2023