For information:
Angell Expeditions
Charlie Angell, Owner
Try us at these numbers

432-384-2307 Redford Boathouse
305-336-2787 cell (very limited)

Note that cell service is limited in Big Bend, so leave a message, or send an email. Read more about Charlie Angell and how Big Bend became home.

Our Offices and Lodging in Redford
GPS Coordinates: 29.435340, -104.190075
Google Map link

Our Mailing Address
Angell Expeditions
P.O. Box 165
Redford, TX 79846
This is a correct mailing address, even if you are told otherwise. We get mail here properly.

Our Physical Address
302 El Polvo Rd
Redford TX 79846
Package delivery from UPS only.